Monday, August 22, 2011

Is there a constitutional right to health care?

So, is there a constitutional right to health care? Well, in short, the answer is yes. Or, more accurately, the federal government does not have the constitutional authority to tell you that you "don't" have the right to health care. The federal government also does not have the authority to tell you that you must pay for someone else’s health care.

That last statement is one that some of the far left liberals are using to support the "Individual Mandate" portion of the Health Care Reform law - albeit without the "federal government" part. They are saying that you, as an individual, do not have the right to force someone else to pay for your health care cost and therefore should be forced to buy health insurance. This, of course, completely leaves out the fact that most young people that choose not to buy health insurance end up paying for their own health care cost out of their own pocket. It also leaves out the fact that this is EXACTLY what they (the liberals) are doing with the individual mandate – forcing those who choose to pay for their own health care cost to join the insurance system to help pay for the cost of others.

Hypocrisy at its finest…

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